How to Make Mobile Phone Jammer

Mobile Phone Jammer
A Mobile Jammer Circuit or a Cell Phone Jammer Circuit is an instrument or gadget that can forestall
the gathering of signs by Mobile Phones. Essentially, a Mobile Jammer Circuit is a Radio Frequency
Transmitter, which communicates Radio Signals in the equivalent (or comparable) recurrence scope of
the GSM Communication. 

Warning Warning: Blocking or Jamming Radio Signals is unlawful in many nations.
Check your neighborhood laws before utilizing such gadgets. 

Required  Materials:

  1. 555 Timer IC 

  2. Resistors – 220-ohm x 2 pieces, 5.6Kohm x 1 pice, 6.8Kohms x 1pice, 10Kohm x 1 pice, 82K ohm x 1pice. 

  3. Capacitors – 47µF , 4.7µF,0.1µF, 47pF, 4.7pF  3.3pF, 2pF and 30pF Trimmer Capacitor .

  4. Light Emitting Diode

  5. Curls 3 Turn 24 AWG, 4 Turn 24 AWG 

  6. Radio wire 15 Turn 24 AWG 

  7. BF495 Transistor 

  8. ON/OFF Switch 

  9. 9V Battery 

Jammer Circuit Diagram:

Working process: 

In the wake of building this circuit on a perf board and providing capacity to it, I have set a cell phone
close to the circuit (I am yet to turn on the switch). Prior to turning on the force, my cell phone had the
option to catch a larger part of the signs as it is showing fully stocked bars. 

When I turned on the circuit, the sign bars on the telephone began to decrease lastly and it halted at a
solitary bar. Along these lines, taking everything into account, I can say that this circuit hinders the signs
yet can't totally stick them. On the off chance that you comprehend the above circuit, this circuit examination
is basic and simple. For any jammer circuit, recall that there are three fundamental significant circuits.
At the point when they are consolidated together, the yield of that circuit will fill in as a jammer. 

The three circuits are: 

  1. RF speaker. 

  2. Voltage-controlled oscillator. 

  3. Tuning circuit. 

So the transistor Q1, capacitors C4, and C5 and resistor R1 establish the RF speaker circuit. This will
enhance the sign created by the tuned circuit. The enhancement signal is given to the receiving wire
through a C6 capacitor. Capacitor C6 will evacuate the DC and permit just the AC signal which is transmitted
noticeable all around. 

At the point when the transistor Q1 is turned ON, the tuned circuit at the authority will get turned ON.
The tuned circuit comprises capacitor C1 and inductor L1. This tuned circuit will go about as an oscillator
with zero opposition. This oscillator or tuned circuit will convey the high repeat with the least damping
occurs. Both the inductor and capacitor of the tuned circuit will influence its resonating repeat.

The tuned circuit activity is extremely straightforward and straightforward. At the point when the circuit
jumps ON, the voltage is put away by the capacitor as per its ability. The fundamental capacity of a
capacitor is to store electric vitality. When the capacitor is totally charged, it will permit the charge to
course through the inductor. We realize that induction is utilized to store attractive vitality. At the point
when the current is streaming over the inductor, it will store the attractive vitality by this voltage over the
capacitor and will get diminished, sooner or later the complete attractive vitality is put away by the
inductor and the charge or voltage over the capacitor will be zero. 

The attractive charge through the inductor will be diminished and the present will charge the capacitor in
inverse or switch extremity way. Again after some time allotment, the capacitor will get completely
energized and appealing imperativeness over the inductor will be thoroughly zero. Again the capacitor
will offer charge to the inductor and gets zero. After some time, the inductor will offer charge to the
capacitor and become zero and they will waver and create the recurrence. 

This circle runs up until the inner obstruction is produced and motions will stop. RF speaker feed is given
through the capacitor C5 to the gatherer terminal before C6 for increase or like a lift sign to the tuned
circuit signal. The capacitors C2 and C3 are utilized for producing the commotion for the recurrence
created by the tuned circuit. Capacitors C2 and C3 will create the electronic heartbeats in some arbitrary
style (in fact called commotion). 

The input back or support is given by the RF enhancer, recurrence created by the tuned circuit, the
clamor signal produced by the capacitors C2 and C3 will be joined, intensified and transmitted to the air. 

Wireless works at the recurrence of 450 MHz recurrences. To hinder this 450MHz recurrence, we
additionally need to create 450Mhz recurrence with some clamor which will go about as basic blocking
signal, since PDA beneficiary won't have the option to comprehend to which signal it has been gotten.
By this, we can be ready to obstruct the PDA signal from arriving at the phones. So here in the above
circuit, we produced the 450 MHz recurrence to hinder the genuine phone signal. That is the thing that
the above circuit will go about as a jammer for hindering the genuine sign. You can likewise get smart
thoughts about another jammer circuit for example How TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit Works? 


This circuit will work in the scope of 100 meters, for example, it can obstruct the signs of mobile phones
within 100 meters range. The use of this sort of circuit is prohibited in the majority of the nations. Use of
this circuit is unlawful and on the off chance that you got by utilizing this circuit, you can be detained and
furthermore should pay a huge sum as fine. This circuit can be utilized in TV transmission and furthermore
for remote-controlled toys or playthings. 

In the event that the circuit isn't working, simply increment the resistor and capacitor esteems in the circuit.
Increment the recurrence of the tuned circuit by utilizing this equation F= 1/(2*pi*sqrt (L*C)). Increment the
inductor-capacitor circuit parts an incentive for expanding the recurrence.

Video Tutorial:


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